喬托 Giotto di Bondone 金門相會 Meeting at the Golden Gate
喬托 Giotto di Bondone 若亞敬之夢 Joachim ’s Dream
喬托 Giotto di Bondone 向聖安妮宣告受胎 Annunciation to St Anne
喬托 Giotto di Bondone 哀悼耶穌 The Mourning of Christ
喬托 Giotto di Bondone 基督進耶路撒冷 Entry into Jerusalem
喬托 Giotto di Bondone 聖家族逃往埃及 The Flight into Egypt
喬托 Giotto di Bondone 引見聖母 The Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple
喬托 Giotto di Bondone 受難 The Crucifixion
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