燈籠商人的示愛,開羅街景 The Lantern Maker’s Courtship, A Street Scene in Cairo
英國海岸 Our English Coasts(Strayed Sheep)
替罪羊 The Scapegoat
聖依諾斯的夏娃 The Eve of St Agnes
五月的早晨 May Morning, Magdalen Tower
易維的玉蜀黍田 Cornfield at Ewell
莎羅特女士 The Lady of Shalott
22 歲時的羅塞蒂畫像 Portrait of Dante Gabriel Rossetti at 22 years of Age
天真的歡愉 The Triumph of the Innocents
女子與香草罐 Isabella and the Pot of Basil
喬治.沃夫人 Mrs. George Waugh
良心覺醒 The Awakening Conscience
托斯卡納編織稻草的女孩 Tuscan Girl Plaiting Straw
神殿中發現救世主 The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple
僱傭的牧羊人 The Hireling Shepherd
改變信仰的不列顛家庭 A Converted British Family Sheltering a Christian Missionary from the persecution of the Druids
克勞迪歐和依莎貝拉 Claudio and Isabella
范妮.沃.漢特 Fanny Waugh Hunt
聖墓教堂的神蹟 The Miracle of the Sacred Fire, Church of the Holy Sepulchre
佛羅倫斯老橋 The Ponte Vecchio, Florence