聖彼得和約翰正治療跛腳男子 Saints Peter and John Healing the Lame Man
雷那多和亞美達 Rinaldo and Armida
維納斯向愛尼亞士展示武力 Venus presenting arms to Aeneas
希神俄爾甫斯發現他父親的劍 Theseus finds the sword of his father
花的帝國 The Empire of Flora
無辜者的屠殺 Le massacre des Innocents
陸馬.龐培留斯和女神伊吉利亞 Numa Pompilius and the Nymph Egeria
大衛的勝利 The Triumph of David
賢士朝拜 The Adoration of the Magi
酒神的勝利 The Triumph of Bacchus
阿什杜德的瘟疫 The Plague of Ashdod
所羅門的判斷 The Judgment of Solomon
聖伊麗莎白和約翰的聖家族 The Holy Family with Saints Elizabeth and John
耶路撒冷聖殿的毀滅 The Destruction and Sack of the Temple of Jerusalem
朱庇特的培育 The Nurture of Jupiter
維納斯和戰神 Mars and Venus
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