阿波羅和達芙妮 Apollo and Daphne
阿卡迪亞牧人 The Shepherds of Arcadia
聖家庭的嬰兒聖施洗約翰和聖依莉莎白 The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and Saint Elizabeth
福基翁的灰燼與景觀 Landscape with the Ashes of Phocion
巴納塞斯山 Parnassus
洗劫色賓婦女 Rape of the Sabine Women
女神和薩梯 Nymph with Satyrs
酒神的培育 The Nurture of Bacchus
牧羊神的勝利 The Triumph of Pan
夏天 Summer or Ruth and Booz
聖母昇天 The Assumption of the Virgin
有三人點綴的風景 Landscape with Three Men
戰勝的大衛 Victorious David
在埃及的聖家庭 The Holy Family in Egypt
羅馬將軍之死 The Death of Germanicus
默勒阿格和愛特蘭塔的狩獵 La Chasse de Meleagre et Atalante ou Le Depart pour la chasse
漢尼拔在大象背上翻越阿爾卑斯山 Hannibal traversant les Alpes a dos d ’elephant
盲眼的俄里翁尋找上昇的太陽 Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun
酒神的誕生 The Birth of Bacchus
麥得斯和酒神 Midas and Bacchus
石階上的聖家族 The Holy Family on Steps
遭劫掠的薩比奴女人 The Abduction of the Sabine Women
隨音樂節拍起舞 Dance to the Music of Time
發現摩西 The Finding of Moses
卡夏聖莉塔的傳譯 The Translation of Saint Rita of Cascia
約書亞的勝利 The Victory of Joshua over the Amalekites
兩個女神和一條蛇的風景 Landscape with Two Nymphs and a Snake
從水中救出摩西 Moses Saved from the Water
從埃及返回的聖家庭 The Return of the Holy Family from Egypt
聖餐 Eucharist
在拔德摩島的聖約翰 Landscape with Saint John on Patmos
西庇阿自制 The Continence of Scipio
牧神和河神 Pan and Syrinx
正在洗腳的男子 Landscape with a Man washing his Feet
牧羊神節慶之前的狂歡酒神節慶 A Bacchanalian Revel before a Term of Pan
麥得斯在帕克托羅斯河的源頭洗澡 Midas washing at River Pactolus
獵人賽伐勒斯和曙光之神奧羅拉 Cephalus and Aurora
堅信禮 Confirmation
約旦河畔的聖施洗約翰 Saint John Baptizing in the River Jordan
寂靜的風光 Landscape with a Calm
聖事的戒律 The Sacrament of Ordination ( Christ Presenting the Keys to Saint Peter )
塗抹聖油 Extreme Unction
羅馬平原風景 Landscape in the Roman Campagna
男子勺水的羅馬平原風光 Landscape in the Roman Campagna with a Man scooping Water
男子被蛇咬死的情景 Landscape with a Man killed by a Snake
婚禮 Marriage
任命聖職 Ordination
提圖斯皇帝征服耶路撒冷 The Conquest of Jerusalem by Emperor Titus
崇拜物質財富 The Adoration of the Golden Calf
牧羊人的崇拜 The Adoration of the Shepherds
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