錫罐和桃子的靜物 Still Life with Tin Pitcher and Peaches
戴眼鏡的自畫像 Self-portrait with Spectacles
鰩魚 The Skate
銀酒杯 The Silver Goblet
煙斗和酒杯 Pipes and Drinking Pitcher
打羽球的女孩 Girl with Racket and Shuttlecock
飲水銅器 The Copper Drinking Fountain
銀鍋 The Silver Tureen
從市場回來 Return from the Market
玩陀螺的兒童 Fanciullo con la Trottola
削蔬菜的少女 The Kitchen Maid
貓和魚的靜物 Still-Life With Cat and Fish
韭菜、砂鍋和布的靜物 Still Life With Leeks,a Casserole And A Cloth
飯前祈禱 Saying Grace (Le Beneoicite)
靜物與牛肋骨 Still Life with a Rib of Beef
野雞與靜物 Still Life with Dead Pheasant
紙牌屋 The House of Cards
水甕 The Water Urn (La Fontaine)
肥皂泡 Soap Bubbles
肥皂泡 Soap Bubbles
有羊腿的靜物 Still Life with Leg of Lamb
貓和鰩魚的靜物 Still-Life With Cat and Rayfish
家禽肉 Still Life with Fowl
桃子、銀酒杯、葡萄和胡桃 Still Life with Peaches, a Silver Goblet, Grapes, and Walnuts
良好的教育 The Good Education
蔬菜湯 Vegetables for the Soup
獵物 Still Life with Game
有白杯的靜物 Still Life with a White Mug
小心的照料 The Attentive Nurse
家庭女教師 The Young Governess
年輕學子在圖畫 Young Student Drawing
一碗洋梨 A Bowl of Plums
水果, 水罐, 和一個玻璃杯 Fruit, Jug, and a Glass
紙牌屋 The House of Cards
野兔之靜物 Still Life with a Hare
藝術象徵 The Attributes of the Arts
桌上的靜物 Still Life with Fish, Vegetables, Gougères, Pots, and Cruets on a Table
戴遮陽帽的自畫像 Self - Portrait with a Visor
瓶子、玻璃杯和麵包的靜物 Still Life with Bottle, Glass and Loaf
洗滌碗碟的女傭 The Scullery Maid
杏仁罐 Jar of Apricots
瓶花 A Vase of Flowers
靜物與藝術的特性 Still life with attributes of the arts
用封臘封信的貴婦 Donna Intenta a Sigillare una Lettera
酒窖男僕 Il Garzone di Cantina
建築師的象徵 Attributes of the Architect
畫家的象徵 Attributes of the Painter
兔子和銅鍋 Rabbit and Copper Pot
家庭的樂趣 Domestic Pleasures
刺繡 The Embroiderer
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