有羊腿的靜物 Still Life with Leg of Lamb
貓和鰩魚的靜物 Still-Life With Cat and Rayfish
家禽肉 Still Life with Fowl
桃子、銀酒杯、葡萄和胡桃 Still Life with Peaches, a Silver Goblet, Grapes, and Walnuts
良好的教育 The Good Education
蔬菜湯 Vegetables for the Soup
獵物 Still Life with Game
有白杯的靜物 Still Life with a White Mug
小心的照料 The Attentive Nurse
家庭女教師 The Young Governess
年輕學子在圖畫 Young Student Drawing
一碗洋梨 A Bowl of Plums
水果, 水罐, 和一個玻璃杯 Fruit, Jug, and a Glass
紙牌屋 The House of Cards
野兔之靜物 Still Life with a Hare
藝術象徵 The Attributes of the Arts
桌上的靜物 Still Life with Fish, Vegetables, Gougères, Pots, and Cruets on a Table
戴遮陽帽的自畫像 Self - Portrait with a Visor
瓶子、玻璃杯和麵包的靜物 Still Life with Bottle, Glass and Loaf
洗滌碗碟的女傭 The Scullery Maid
杏仁罐 Jar of Apricots
瓶花 A Vase of Flowers
靜物與藝術的特性 Still life with attributes of the arts
用封臘封信的貴婦 Donna Intenta a Sigillare una Lettera
酒窖男僕 Il Garzone di Cantina
建築師的象徵 Attributes of the Architect
畫家的象徵 Attributes of the Painter
兔子和銅鍋 Rabbit and Copper Pot
家庭的樂趣 Domestic Pleasures
刺繡 The Embroiderer
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