樹蔭下的牧羊女與羊群 A Shepherdess and Her Flock in the Shade of Trees
星夜 Starry Night
水邊的裸泳者 Nude bather by the waterside
坐在陰涼處的牧羊女 Shepherdess Seated in the Shade
坐在森林邊的牧羊女 Shepherdess Sitting at the Edge of the Forest
站立的紡紗女 Standing Spinner
農夫施肥 Peasant Spreading Manure
鳥巢 Bird’s - Nesters
播種者 The Sower
春季(達夫尼斯與克羅埃) Spring (Daphnis et Chloe)
梳理羊毛的女人 Woman Carding Wool
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