四大陸 Four Continents
奇蹟 The Miracles of St. Ignatius of Loyola
劫持蓋尼米得 The Rape of Ganymede
穀神和牧神 Ceres and Pan
狄多的死亡 The Death of Dido
柏修斯釋放安多洛美達 Perseus Freeing Andromeda
獅子穴 Daniel in the Lion ’s Den
地與水的結合 The Alliance of Earth and Water (The River Scheldt and Antwerp)
穿盔甲的年輕人 Portrait of a Young Man in Armor
帕里斯的裁判 The Judgement of Paris
克西米利安一世 Kaiser Maximilian I
撒網捕魚神蹟 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes
洗劫色賓婦女 The Rape of the Sabine Women
牧神和水神 Faun and Nymph
麗達與天鵝 Leda and the Swan
珍妮德里維埃的肖像 Portrait of Jeanne Rivière
晚上運木材的馬車 Evening Landscape with Timber Wagon
戴著念珠的年輕女人 Portrait of a young woman with a rosary
愛的花園 The Garden of Love
四學者 The Four Philosophers
暴風雨下的風景 Stormy Landscape
酒神 Bacchus
父與女 Cimon and Pero
伊克西翁與聶斐烈 Ixion and Nephele
聖喬治和蛟龍 Saint George and the dragon
日落時牧羊人和羊群的景色 Sunset Landscape with a Shepherd and his Flock
惡魔 The Brazen Serpent
刻克洛普斯的女兒發現嬰兒艾烈治方爾列斯 The Discovery of the Baby Erichthonius by the Daughters of Cecrops
月神和薩梯 Nymphs and Satyrs
帕里斯的裁判 The Judgment of Paris
帕里斯的裁判 The Judgement of Paris
瑪莉的教育 The Education of Marie de ’Medici
無辜者的屠殺 The Massacre of the Innocents
兩個熟睡的孩子 Two Sleeping Children
伯爵夫人肖像 Lady Alethea Talbot, Countess of Arundel
諾斯面對他兒子的頭 Tereus Confronted with the Head of his Son Itylus
維納斯和戰神 Venus and Mars
阿基里斯的憤怒 The Wrath of Achilles
無玷成胎 Immaculate Conception
佈達 The Apotheosis of Henry IV and the Proclamation of the Regency of Marie de Medicis
埋葬基督 The Entombment(after Titian)
病人復甦 The Raising of Lazarus
離家的老婆 Hagar Leaves the House of Abraham
方濟會修士 Head of a Franciscan Monk
狩獵卡呂冬野豬 The Calydonian Boar Hunt
白金漢公爵的馬術肖像 Equestrian Portrait of the Duke of Buckingham
蘇珊娜和老人 Susanna and the Elders
法王路易士八世 Portrait of Louis XIII, King of France
煉獄裡的靈魂 Saint Teresa of Avila Interceding for Souls in Purgatory
加斯帕爾肖像 portrait of jan gaspar gevartius
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