戰爭的後果 The Consequences of War
德修烏斯畝的勝利和死亡 The Victory and Death of Decius Mus
薩梯和女僕與水果籃 Satyr and Maid with Fruit Basket
釘在十字架上的基督 The crucified christ
戴荊冠的耶穌 The Crown of Thorns (Ecce Homo)
戴著大帽子的自畫像 Self portrait with big hat
蓋尼米得被劫持 The Abduction of Ganymede
魯本斯與伊莎貝拉.布蘭特的自畫像 Rubens Self Portrait With Isabella Brant
蘇珊娜和老人 Susanna and the Elders
淑女畫像 Portrait of a Lady-in-Waiting to the Infanta Isabella
觸覺 The Sense of Touch
神之使者和百眼巨人 Mercury and Argus
帕里斯的裁判 The Judgement of Paris
蘇珊富曼肖像 Portrait of Susanne Fourment(Le Chapeau de Paille)
秋季早晨的風光 An Autumn Landscape with a View of Het Steen in the Early Morning
北風之神劫持娥瑞提亞 Boreas Abducting Oreithyia
劫奪普羅斯派恩 The Rape of Proserpina
維納斯出浴 Venus Frigida (Venus and Cupid warming themselves)
軟皮服 The Fur
收穫後的歸程 Return from the harvest
四大陸 Four Continents
奇蹟 The Miracles of St. Ignatius of Loyola
劫持蓋尼米得 The Rape of Ganymede
穀神和牧神 Ceres and Pan
狄多的死亡 The Death of Dido
柏修斯釋放安多洛美達 Perseus Freeing Andromeda
獅子穴 Daniel in the Lion ’s Den
地與水的結合 The Alliance of Earth and Water (The River Scheldt and Antwerp)
穿盔甲的年輕人 Portrait of a Young Man in Armor
帕里斯的裁判 The Judgement of Paris
克西米利安一世 Kaiser Maximilian I
撒網捕魚神蹟 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes
洗劫色賓婦女 The Rape of the Sabine Women
牧神和水神 Faun and Nymph
麗達與天鵝 Leda and the Swan
珍妮德里維埃的肖像 Portrait of Jeanne Rivière
晚上運木材的馬車 Evening Landscape with Timber Wagon
戴著念珠的年輕女人 Portrait of a young woman with a rosary
愛的花園 The Garden of Love
四學者 The Four Philosophers
暴風雨下的風景 Stormy Landscape
酒神 Bacchus
父與女 Cimon and Pero
伊克西翁與聶斐烈 Ixion and Nephele
聖喬治和蛟龍 Saint George and the dragon
日落時牧羊人和羊群的景色 Sunset Landscape with a Shepherd and his Flock
惡魔 The Brazen Serpent
刻克洛普斯的女兒發現嬰兒艾烈治方爾列斯 The Discovery of the Baby Erichthonius by the Daughters of Cecrops
月神和薩梯 Nymphs and Satyrs
帕里斯的裁判 The Judgment of Paris
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