三部曲 Trittico
牧羊人的崇拜 The Adoration of the Shepherds
聖家族與抹大拉的馬利亞 The Holy Family with Saint Mary Magdalen
聖母子及炙天使和智天使 Madonna and Child with Seraphim and Cherubim
以撒的犧牲 The Sacrifice of Isaac
朱蒂絲和赫勒福爾納斯 Judith and Holofernes
男子畫像 Portrait of a Man
婚禮堂的屋頂圓孔 Ceiling Oculus
復活 The Resurrection
婚禮堂 Camera degli Sposi
聖詹姆士在行刑路上 St James on the way to his execution
聖母榮耀像 Madonna della Vittoria
奉獻 The Presentation
基督的苦難救贖 Christ as the Suffering Redeemer
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