婦女為孩童準備餐點 A Woman Preparing Bread and Butter for a Boy
窗前的女人與門口的小孩 A Woman Seated By A Window With A Child In A Doorway
玩牌的人 Cardplayers in a Sunlit Room
自畫像 Self - portrait
女僕 The Maidservant
搖籃旁的母親 Mother Lacing Her Bodice Beside a Cradle
室內年輕夫妻 Interior with a Young Couple
一個男人交給大廳裡的女人一封信 Man hands a letter to a woman in a hall
在涼亭的一女二男 A Woman and Two Men in an Arbor
在優雅環境中的休閒時間 Leisure Time in an Elegant Setting
支付報酬給女主人 Paying the Hostess
臥房 The Bedroom
玩牌的夫婦和女伺 A Couple Playing Cards, with a Serving Woman
台夫特的傍晚庭院:一個紡織的女人 Courtyard in Delft at Evening:a Woman Spinning
室內的女人與小孩 Woman with Children in an Interior