箍桶匠 Le Tonnelier
維萊維爾落日 Sunset at Villerville
池塘景色 The Ponds of Gylieu
奧普特沃的大峽谷 The Big Valley of the Optevoz
瓦茲河畔 Les Bords de l’Oise
瓦茲河附近的洗衣婦 Washerwomen at the Oise River near Valmondois
奧維附近的瓦茲河畔 View at Auvers-sur-Oise
收成 Harvest
榿木 Alders
法國維萊維爾海灘 Beach at Villerville, France
瓦茲河岸 On the Banks of the Oise
陽光照射的溪流 Landscape with a Sunlit Stream
瓦茲河上 On the Oise
鄰村入口 Entrance to the Village
瓦茲的小船 Boats on the Oise
廬安河岸 Banks of the Loing
瓦茲河風光 View on the Oise
聖保羅景觀 St Paul’s from the Surrey Side
十月 October
海景 Seascape
退潮的沙灘 Beach at Low Tide
盛開的蘋果樹 Apple Blossoms
埃塔普勒海岸的小船 Boats on the Seacoast at Etaples
不列塔尼農場 Farm at Kerity, Brittany
鄉間小路 Landscape along a Country Road
河岸 Bord de riviere
花園的圍牆 The Garden Wall
楊柳 Willows
有牛的景觀 Landscape with Cattle by a Stream
有鴨子的河景 River Scene with Ducks
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