崇拜財富 Worship of the Golden Calf
克法羅斯與普洛克莉絲的團聚 Landscape with Cephalus and Procris reunited by Diana
劫持歐羅巴 The Rape of Europa
大衛在亞杜蘭洞 Landscape with David at the Cave of Adullam
羅馬廣場的廢墟 Capriccio with ruins of the Roman Forum
港灣與麥第奇別墅 Port Scene with the Villa Medici
在自然中學習的藝術家 An Artist Studying from Nature
和聖者同行 Seaport with the Embarkation of Saint Ursula
薩梯和女神的舞蹈 Landscape with Nymph and Satyr Dancing
西巴女王出訪的海港 Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba
薩梯和女神的舞蹈 Landscape with Dancing Satyrs and Nymphs
特洛伊城英雄愛尼亞士在德羅斯島 Aeneas in Delos
羅馬平原上的莊園 Villa in the Roman Campagna
雅各與拉班和他的女兒們 Jacob with Laban and his Daughters
以撒和麗培嘉的婚姻 Landscape with the Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca
平靜的風景 Landscape with a Calm
特洛伊女子縱火燒艦隊 The Trojan Women Setting Fire to Their Fleet
小溪景觀 Landscape with Figures Wading Through a Stream
阿波羅與繆斯的景觀 Landscape with Apollo and the Muses
水神與納西斯的景觀 Landscape with Narcissus and Echo
埃西斯和嘉拉提亞的海邊風景 Landscape with Acis and Galatea
田園風光 Pastoral Landscape
田園風光 Pastoral Landscape
牧羊人和山羊 Landscape with a Goatherd and Goats
帕里斯的裁判 The Judgment of Paris
有商人的景緻 Landscape with Merchants
河岸景觀 Landscape with the Embarkment of Saint Paula Romana in Ostia
托比亞斯和天使 Tobias y el angel
淺灘 The Ford
日出 Sunrise
夏甲和天使 Landscape with Hagar and the Angel
日出的海港 A Seaport at Sunrise
劫持 Coast View with the Abduction of Europa
羅馬景觀 The Campo Vaccino, Rome
埃西斯和嘉拉提亞的海邊風景 Coastal landscape with Acis and Galatea
海港 A Seaport
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