林中小屋 Hut among Trees
水車磨坊 A Water Mill
鄉道 Avenue at Middleharnis
陽光下的農場 A Farm in the Sunlight
進入村莊 Entrance to a Village
林中小徑的旅客 A Wooded Landscape with Travelers on a Path through a Hamlet
旅行 The Travelers
歡樂的森林景觀 Forest landscape with a merry company in a cart
樹林旁小溪流 A Stream by a Wood
茂密樹林景色 A Woody Landscape
有農舍的樹林 A Woody Landscape with a Cottage
森林裡的池塘 A Pond in the Forest
阿姆斯特丹的哈倫關卡 The Haarlem Lock, Amsterdam
毀壞的布雷德羅德城堡 The Ruins of Brederode Castle
在辛葛拉佛的水磨坊 The Watermills at Singraven near Denekamp
繞過農舍的道路 A Road winding past Cottages
池塘附近的村莊 Village near a Pool
在最佳路途觀看 A View on a High Road
樹木繁茂的風景 A Wooded Landscape
一個磨坊 A Watermill
林地之路 Woodland Road