享樂的花園 The Garden of Earthly Delights
上天堂 Ascent of the Blessed
末日審判 The Last Judgment
賢士朝拜 The Adoration of the Magi
愚人船 The Ship of Fools
聖安多尼的誘惑 The Temptation of St Anthony
七大罪惡 Tabletop of the Seven Deadly Sins
and the Four Last Things
崇拜東方三博士 The Adoration of the Magi
聖安多尼的誘惑 The temptation of St. Anthony
帶著十字架的基督 Christ Carrying the Cross
基督荷著十字架 Christ Carrying the Cross
暴食和淫慾的寓言 Allegory of Gluttony and Lust
愚蠢的治療 The Cure of Folly (Extraction of the Stone of Madness)
加戴荊冠 Christ Mocked (The Crowning with Thorns)
聖安東尼的誘惑 The Temptations of Saint Anthony
隱士聖徒三聯畫 Tryptich of the Hermit Saints
聖克里斯多夫 Saint Christopher
賢士朝拜 The Adoration of the Magi
聖傑羅姆 Saint Jerome
戴荊冠的耶穌 Ecce Homo
乾草車 The Hay Wagon
死亡和守財奴 Death and the Miser
人間天堂 Terrestrial Paradise
最後的審判 The Last Judgment
荒野中的施洗者聖約翰 St John the Baptist in the Wilderness
回頭的行者 The Wayfarer ( The Pedlar )
魔術師 The Conjurer
在帕德摩的福音書聖約翰 Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos
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