微風中的英國軍艦 English Warships Heeling in the Breeze Offshore
皇家艦艇揚帆靠岸:微風和平靜 Calm:A States Yacht under Sail close to the Shore with many other Vessels
錨泊的荷蘭船隻 A Dutch Ship coming to Anchor
微風中的荷蘭船隻、遊艇和小船 A Dutch Ship, a Yacht and Smaller Vessels in a Breeze
錨泊的荷蘭船隻 Dutch Ships Coming to Anchor
海戰之後 The captured Swiftsure, Seven Oaks, Loyal George and Convertine brought through Goeree Gat, 16 June 1666
砲擊 The Cannon Shot
皇家王子號的捕獲 The Capture of the Royal Prince
啟航的荷蘭艦隊 The Dutch Fleet under Sail
米歇爾號的海戰 The Skirmish of Michiel Adriaensz de Ruyter Print
微風中的兩艘小船和荷蘭軍艦 Two Small Vessels and a Dutch Man-of-War in a Breeze
停泊的英國船隻和荷蘭輪船 An English Vessel and Dutch Ships Becalmed
穿梭大船之間的小艇 A States Yacht and other vessels in a very light air
荷蘭軍艦和其他船隻 Dutch Men-o ’- War and Other Shipping in a Calm
微風中離岸的荷蘭船隻和小船 Dutch Ships and Small Vessels Offshore in a Breeze
泊船 Ships in the Roads
強風中的荷蘭船隻和其他小船 A Dutch Ship and Other Small Vessels in a Strong Breeze
平靜的荷蘭船隻 Dutch Ships in a Calm
強風中的荷蘭小船 A Small Dutch Vessel close-hauled in a Strong Breeze
擱淺的荷蘭船隻 Small Dutch Vessels Aground at Low Water in a Calm
強風中的荷蘭船隻 A Dutch Vessel in a Strong Breeze
大風中的三艘船 Three Ships in a Gale
荷蘭港口入口處 Entrance to a Dutch Port
平靜的遊艇和其他船隻 A yacht and other vessels in a calm
荷蘭遊艇的致敬 A Dutch Yacht saluting
遊艇 Boats pulling out to a Yacht in a Calm
近岸的荷蘭船隻和洗澡的男人 Dutch Vessels Inshore and Men Bathing
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