年輕女子觀看日本的物品 Young Women looking at Japanese articles
捉迷藏 Hide and Seek
綁架未遂 The Attempted Abduction
教會裡 In Church
侯爵家庭 Portrait of the Marquis and Marchioness of Miramon and Their Children
凱薩琳史密斯夫人和她的孩子 Portrait of Mrs Catherine Smith Gill and Two of Her Children
侯爵夫人肖像 Portrait of the Marquise de Miramon, née, Thérèse Feuillant
巴黎婦女:馬戲團情人 Women of Paris:The Circus Lover
船上的年輕女子 Young Lady in a Boat
菊花 Chrysanthemums
吊床 The Hammock
伯爵夫人畫像 Portrait of Clotilde Briatte, Comtesse Pillet-Will
春天的早晨 Spring Morning
參觀遊艇 A Visit To The Yacht
晨遊 The Morning Ride
皇家社交圈 The Circle of the Rue Royale
姐姐 La Soeur Ainee
茶 Tea
在陽光下 En plein soleil
泰晤士河畔,一隻蒼鷺 On the Thames, A Heron
售貨小姐 La Demoiselle de Magasin (The Shop Girl)
療養 A Convalescent
愛人 Mavourneen ( Portrait of Kathleen Newton )
芭蕾 Il Ballo
午餐 A Luncheon
約櫃經過約旦 The Ark Passes Over the Jordan
在音樂學院 In the Conservatory (Rivals)
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