在神殿淨化 The Purification of the Temple
復活 The Resurrection
天使報喜 La Anunciación
樞機主教費爾南多.尼諾德格瓦拉 Cardinal Fernando Nino de Guevara
驅逐商人 Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple
脫掉基督的外衣 The Disrobing of Christ
彼得和保羅 The Apostles Peter and Paul
朱利安和他的守護神 Julian Romero and his Patron Saint
五旬節 Pentecostc
托勒多的風景 View of Toledo
聖家庭 The Holy Family with St Mary Magdalen
聖安德魯和聖方濟 Saint Andrew and Saint Francis
聖約翰的洞悉 The Vision of Saint John
聖法蘭西斯接受聖痕 Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata
聖埃迪方索 Saint Ildefonso
紅衣主教般的聖傑羅姆 Saint Jerome as Cardinal
崇拜耶穌 The Adoration of the Name of Jesus
聖法蘭西斯 St. Francis
聖母的擔當 The Assumption of the Virgin
使徒彼得和保羅 The apostles Peter and Paul
聖傑羅姆 Saint Jerome
基督將錢幣商驅趕出神殿 Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple
懺悔的抹大拉 The Penitent Magdalene
十字架的基督 Christ on the Cross
悔改的賣春婦 Magdalena Penitent
聖弗朗西斯和兄弟利奧默想死亡 Saint Francis and Brother Leo Meditating on Death
聖彼得的眼淚 The Tears of Saint Peter
基督淨化神殿 Christ Cleansing the Temple
聖家庭有聖安妮和嬰兒時聖施洗約翰 The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Infant John the Baptist
拉奧孔 Laocoon
聖安德魯 Saint Andrew
聖約翰福音 St John the Evangelist
聖母子、聖瑪蒂娜與聖阿格尼斯 Madonna and Child with Saint Martina and Saint Agnes
聖傑羅姆 St. Jerome
斐力克斯.帕拉文西諾 Fray Hortensio Felix Paravicino
牧羊人的崇拜 The Adoration of the Shepherds
基督治療盲人的奇蹟 The Miracle of Christ Healing the Blind
男子畫像 Portrait of a Man
基督賜福 Christ Blessing ( The Saviour of the World )
基督運送十字架 Christ Carrying the Cross
聖馬丁和乞丐 Saint Martin and the Beggar
手放胸口的貴族 The Nobleman with his Hand on his Chest
客西馬尼花園的痛苦 The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane
報佳音 The Annunciation
聖告圖 The Annunciation
懺悔的抹大拉馬利亞 The Penitent Magdalene
年輕的聖詹姆斯 Saint James the Younger
聖告圖 The Annunciation
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