神聖的寓言 Sacred Allegory
狂喜中的聖法蘭西斯 St. Francis in the Desert
年輕婦人梳妝 Young Woman at Her Toilette
聖道明 Saint Dominic
天使扶持著死亡的基督 The Dead Christ supported by Angels
諸神之宴 The Feast of the Gods
聖母子、聖彼得、聖馬克與信徒 Virgin with Child with Saint Peter, Saint Mark and a Donor
戶外讀書的聖傑羅姆 Saint Jerome reading in a Landscape
在花園裡苦惱 The Agony in the Garden
刺殺聖彼得殉難者 The Assassination of Saint Peter Martyr
基督之血 The Blood of the Redeemer
墓中基督 Dead Christ in the sepulchre
聖母子 The Virgin and Child
聖母子 The Virgin and Child
雷翁那多‧羅雷丹總督 The Doge Leonardo Loredan
草原上的聖母 Madonna of the Meadow
年輕男子畫像 Portrait of a Young Man
聖母和小孩 Madonna and Child
聖母愛慕著熟睡的孩子 Madonna Adoring the Sleeping Child
聖母子和聖者們 Madonna and Child with Saints
一個年輕人的肖像 Portrait of a Young Man in Redc
聖容顯現 Transfiguration of Christ
聖母和聖約翰托起已亡的基督 Dead Christ Supported by the Madonna
祖凡尼伊莫 Giovanni Emo
威尼斯人畫像 Portrait of a Venetian Gentlemanc
聖母子 Madonna and Child
聖母子和聖者們 Madonna and Child with Saints
聖母子 Madonna and Child
西庇阿的生活軼事 An Episode from the Life of Publius Cornelius Scipio
聖母子 Madonna and Child in a Landscape
閱讀的聖傑羅姆 Saint Jerome Reading
喬瓦尼.莫塞尼戈總督 Doge Giovanni Mocenigo
聖母子與兩聖徒 The Virgin and Child between two Saints
基督賜福 Christ Blessing
童年的酒神巴克斯 The Infant Bacchus
聖母子 The Virgin and Child
寶座上的聖母和聖子及聖人 San Zaccaria Altarpiece
聖母子 Madonna with Child
聖母子與兩施主 Madonna with child and two donors
聖約伯教堂祭壇 La Pala di San Giobbe
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