安吉莉卡和受傷的麥多羅 Angelica and the wounded Medoro
弗朗索瓦·西蒙夫人肖像 Portrait of Madame Francois Simon
研習坐著和站著的兩個印度人 Two Studies of an Indian from Calcutta, Seated and Standing
但丁和維吉爾共渡冥河 The Barque of Dante
巧斯島的屠殺 The Massacre at Chios
被豹襲擊的騎士 Rider Attacked by a Jaguar
作家畫像 Portrait of George Sand
十字軍進入君士坦丁堡 The Entry of the Crusaders into Constantinople
在墓地的哈姆雷特和霍雷肖 Hamlet and Horatio in the Graveyard
音樂家 Musicians (The Marriage at Cana)
土耳其人臣服希臘騎士 Turk Surrendering to a Greek Horseman
丹吉爾的景觀 View of Tangier
薩達那培拉斯之死 The Death of Sardanapalus
領導民眾的自由女神 Liberty Leading the People
阿爾及利亞女人 Women of Algiers
薩達那培拉斯之死 The Death of Sardanapalus
兩個印度人的研習 Two Studies of a Standing Indian from Calcutta
坐在墓園的孤兒 Orphan Girl at the Cemetery
丹吉爾的狂熱教徒 Fanatics of Tangier
阿拉伯騎士的衝撞 Collision of Arab Horsemen
與阿拉伯人的衝突 Arabs Skirmishing in the Mountains
基督渡海 Christ Asleep during the Tempest
受難 Crucifixion
戰鬥 Le Combat
獵獅 La Chasse aux lions
兩個弗斯卡利 The two Foscari
奧熱維勒的岩石景觀 Landscape with Rocks, Augerville
騎士在農村的戰鬥 Confrontation of knights in the countryside
對異教徒的戰鬥 Combat du Giaour et du Pacha
鋼琴家蕭邦 Frederic Chopin
歡呼 Muley Abd-el-Rahman
查爾斯.莫納伯爵 Count Charles de Mornay
斜倚的母獅 Lioness Reclining
路易士-奧古斯丁.夏威特 Louis-Auguste Schwiter
塞西亞人中的歐比德 Ovid among the Scythians
從海岸觀看丹吉爾 View of Tangier from the Seashore
麗蓓嘉被綁架 The Abduction of Rebecca
街頭小店的火爐 Corner Shop, the Stove
自畫像 Self Portrait
摩洛哥騎士涉水而過 Moroccan Horseman Crossing a Ford
阿基里斯的訓練 The Education of Achilles
來自大海的馬 Horses coming out of the sea
籃中花 Basket of Flowers
藍色頭巾的女人肖像 Portrait of a Woman in a Blue Turban
加利利海上的基督 Christ on the Sea of Galilee
閃電嚇壞了馬 Horse Frightened by Lightning
皇家虎 Royal Tiger
劫營 Botzaris Surprises the Turkish Camp and Falls Fatally Wounded
阿波羅殺死巨蟒 Apollo Slays Python
那切茲 The Natchez
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