聖母、聖嬰與兩位天使 Madonna with Child and Two Angels
進入耶路撒冷 Entry into Jerusalem
耶穌釘刑圖 Crucifixion
辭別聖約翰 Parting from St John
聖母之死 Death of the Virgin
聖告圖 Annunciation
寶座上的聖母與聖嬰 Rucellai Madonna
基督被解下十字架 Deposition
聖母與聖嬰 Madonna and Child
寶座聖母像 The Madonna in Majesty
召喚使徒彼得和安得烈 The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew
耶穌誕生的先知以賽亞和以西結書 The Nativity with the Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel
受難和其他場景 Triptych:Crucifixion and other Scenes
聖母子 Madonna with Child
病人復甦 The Raising of Lazarus
聖母子和聖人們 The Virgin and Child with Saints Dominic and Aurea
方濟會聖母像 Madonna of the Franciscans
盲人的康復 La guarigione del cieco
基督與撒瑪利亞婦人 Christ and the Samaritan Woman
聖容顯現 Transfiguration Domini
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