畢卡索 Pablo Picasso 小酒館 Tavern
畢卡索 Pablo Picasso 水果盤,瓶子和小提琴 Fruit Dish,Bottle and Violin
畢卡索 Pablo Picasso 煙斗、玻璃杯與蘭姆酒 Pipe, Glass, Bottle of Rum
畢卡索 Pablo Picasso 女人與吉他 Woman with a Guitar
畢卡索 Pablo Picasso 水果盤、瓶子和小提琴 Fruit Dish, Bottle and Violin
畢卡索 Pablo Picasso 有煙斗的學生 Student With Pipe
畢卡索 Pablo Picasso 水果盤和玻璃杯的靜物 Still Life with Compote and Glass
畢卡索 Pablo Picasso 綠色靜物 Nature morte verte
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