夏丹 Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin 錫罐和桃子的靜物 Still Life with Tin Pitcher and Peaches
勞倫 Claude Lorrain 崇拜財富 Worship of the Golden Calf
德拉克漥 Eugene Delacroix 弗朗索瓦·西蒙夫人肖像 Portrait of Madame Francois Simon
夏丹 Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin 野雞與靜物 Still Life with Dead Pheasant
布雪 Francois Boucher 牧羊人和牧羊女 Shepherd and Shepherdess
畢莎羅 Camille Pissarro 彭退斯的六月早晨 June Morning at Pontoise
魯本斯 Peter Paul Rubens 維羅尼卡.斯皮諾拉肖像 Portrait of the Marchesa Veronica Spinola-Doria
杜勒 Albrecht Durer 憂鬱 Melencolia
布雪 Francois Boucher 兩個牧羊女 Two Shepherdesses
弗里德里希 Caspar David Friedrich 冰之海 Reefs by the Seashore
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