聖母與聖子 Madonna dell Granduca
聖喬治大戰惡龍 Saint George and the Dragon
維納斯的歡欣 The Triumph of Venus
牧者的禮拜 Adoration of the Shepherds
牧羊人的朝拜 Adoration of the Shepherds
聖母、聖嬰與兩位天使 Madonna with Child and Two Angels
進入耶路撒冷 Entry into Jerusalem
耶穌釘刑圖 Crucifixion
辭別聖約翰 Parting from St John
聖母之死 Death of the Virgin
聖女日南斐法在祈禱 Saint Genevieve as a Child in Prayer
畢士大池邊的醫治 Christ healing the Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda
無玷成胎 The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin
謙卑的聖母 The Madonna of Humility
天使報喜 The Annunciation:Virgin Annunciate
舊約和新約的寓言 An Allegory of the Old and New Testaments
聖安多尼的誘惑 The temptation of St. Anthony
神之使者和百眼巨人 Mercury and Argus
亞當與夏娃 Adam and Eve
崇拜東方三博士 The adoration of the Magi
帕里斯的裁判 The Judgement of Paris
卡農的聖母 Madonna with Canon George Van der Paele
施洗者聖約翰 St. John the Baptist
麗達與天鵝 Leda and the Swan
紡車邊的聖母 Madonna of the Yarnwinder
先知伊莉泰雅 Erithraea
聖傑諾教室祭壇裝飾畫 Altarpiece
倘佯於秋景下的家禽 Autumn Landscape with a Flock of Turkeys
大洪水 The Flood
利比亞女先知 The Libyan Sibyl
紅衣主教 Trevisano Cardinal Lodovico Trevisano
仙女 La Fee
幽靈 The Apparition
美人魚和詩人 La sirène et le poète
雅各和天使 Jacob and the Angel
男孩的聖施洗約翰 Saint John the Baptist as a Boy
聖家庭的嬰兒聖施洗約翰和聖依莉莎白 The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and Saint Elizabeth
寓言 The Fable
水中精靈 一 Water Serpents I
先知撒迦利亞 The prophet Zacharias
波斯絲蓓爾 The Persian Sybelle
紅衣主教肖像 Cardinal Niccolo Albergati
飢餓的獅子猛撲羚羊 The Hungry Lion Throws Itself on the Antelope
紅色巨龍 The great red dragon and the woman clothed with the sun
北風之神劫持娥瑞提亞 Boreas Abducting Oreithyia
維納斯和邱比特 Venus und Amor (Venus and Amor)
平德爾和伊克泰納 Pindar and Ictinus
劫奪普羅斯派恩 The Rape of Proserpina
被豹襲擊的騎士 Rider Attacked by a Jaguar
雞窩裡 In the Henhouse