埋葬基督 The Entombment of Christc
聖母子 The small Cowper Madonna
聖母與聖子 Madonna dell Granduca
牧者的禮拜 Adoration of the Shepherds
牧羊人的朝拜 Adoration of the Shepherds
聖母、聖嬰與兩位天使 Madonna with Child and Two Angels
進入耶路撒冷 Entry into Jerusalem
耶穌釘刑圖 Crucifixion
辭別聖約翰 Parting from St John
聖母之死 Death of the Virgin
聖女日南斐法在祈禱 Saint Genevieve as a Child in Prayer
畢士大池邊的醫治 Christ healing the Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda
無玷成胎 The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin
謙卑的聖母 The Madonna of Humility
天使報喜 The Annunciation:Virgin Annunciate
舊約和新約的寓言 An Allegory of the Old and New Testaments
聖安多尼的誘惑 The temptation of St. Anthony
崇拜東方三博士 The adoration of the Magi
卡農的聖母 Madonna with Canon George Van der Paele
施洗者聖約翰 St. John the Baptist
紡車邊的聖母 Madonna of the Yarnwinder
聖傑諾教室祭壇裝飾畫 Altarpiece
紅衣主教 Trevisano Cardinal Lodovico Trevisano
男孩的聖施洗約翰 Saint John the Baptist as a Boy
聖家庭的嬰兒聖施洗約翰和聖依莉莎白 The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and Saint Elizabeth
紅衣主教肖像 Cardinal Niccolo Albergati
平德爾和伊克泰納 Pindar and Ictinus
禱告的修士 Monk in Prayer
天使扶持著死亡的基督 The Dead Christ supported by Angels
聖母子、聖彼得、聖馬克與信徒 Virgin with Child with Saint Peter, Saint Mark and a Donor
在以馬杵斯吃晚餐 Supper at Emmaus
聖母瑪利亞 Bargellini Madonna
耶穌遇上瑪麗亞 Noli me Tangere
聖傑羅姆 Saint Jerome
聖家庭 Holy Family With An Angel, Perhaps The Rest On The Flight Into Egypt
復活 The Resurrection
聖告圖 The Annunciation
聖方濟在教皇面前講道 St Francis Preaching before Honorius III
受難 Crucifixion
伯利恆的調查 The Census at Bethlehem
聖彼得不認主 St Peter’s denial
不列塔尼的耶穌受難地 Breton Calvary
聖母子和天使 The Virgin and Child with an Angel
百合聖母 Madonna of the Lilies
洛雷托聖母 Madonna of Loreto
寶座聖母像 The Madonna in Majesty
釘刑圖 Crucifix
聖母之死 Trapasso della Vergine
聖告圖 Annunciation
寶座上的聖母與聖嬰 Rucellai Madonna