升起十字架 - 聖徒埃利吉烏斯和凱薩琳 Raising of the Cross - Sts Eligius and Catherine
維納斯出浴 Venus Frigida
聖依納爵.羅耀拉 St. Ignatius of Loyola
風神 Aeolus
聖母子 Madonna and Child
得伊阿尼拉誘惑法瑪 Deianeira Tempted by Fama
奇跡 The Miracles of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
戰爭的後果 The Consequences of War
德修烏斯畝的勝利和死亡 The Victory and Death of Decius Mus
薩梯和女僕與水果籃 Satyr and Maid with Fruit Basket
釘在十字架上的基督 The crucified christ
戴荊冠的耶穌 The Crown of Thorns (Ecce Homo)
蓋尼米得被劫持 The Abduction of Ganymede
朱蒂絲和赫勒福爾納斯 Judith and Holofernes
諾亞的獻祭 Noah and his family make a sacrifice after the flood
伊紐多 Ignudo
伊紐多 Ignudo
最後的審判 The Last Judgment
聖家庭與聖約翰 Holy Family with the young Saint John (Tondo Doni)
伊紐多 Ignudo
船上姑娘和鵝群 Girl in a boat with Geese
聖母子 Virgin and Child
沼澤地的牛群 Cows in a Marshy Landscape
黑貓 Le Chat Noir
基督背負十字架 The Bearing of the Cross
摩西與十誡 Moses with the Ten Commandments
安吉莉卡和受傷的麥多羅 Angelica and the wounded Medoro
朱蒂絲 二(莎樂美) Judith II
崇拜財富 Worship of the Golden Calf
大天使米迦勒與撒旦 St. Michael & Satan
聖母與聖嬰 Madonna mit der Nelke
聖道明 Saint Dominic
聖傑羅姆 St Jerome
對基督死亡的哀悼 Lamentation over the Dead Christ
聖母子 Madonna and Child
聖母子與六天使 Madonna of the Pomegranate
聖母子與施洗約翰 Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist
以撒的祭品 The Sacrifice of Isaac
聖母升天圖 Assumption of the Virgin
報佳音 Annunciation
英國詩歌源流 The Seeds and Fruits of English Poetry
在神殿淨化 The Purification of the Temple
雕塑寓言 Allegory of Sculpture
墓中基督 Der Leichnam Christi im Grabe
諾亞之醉 Drunkenness of Noah
埋葬基督 The Entombment of Christc
但丁和維吉爾共渡冥河 The Barque of Dante
勝利的愛神 Cupid as Victor
聖母子 The small Cowper Madonna
嘉拉提亞的凱旋 The Triumph of Galatea