維納斯的盛宴 The Feast of Venus
殉教 Martyrdom of ten thousand Christians
年輕的威尼斯女子肖像 Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman
聖家庭與聖施洗約翰 Holy Family with St. Anne and the Infant St. John
拿破崙途經聖貝爾納多 Napoleon at the St. Bernard Pass
克林姆的階梯 Stairway to Klimt
蓋尼米得被劫持 The Abduction of Ganymede
約翰內斯肖像 Johannes Kleberger
寶座上的聖母和聖嬰與聖施洗約翰 Small Triptych of St. John the Baptist
穿毛皮的女孩 Girl in a Fur
謹防奢華 Beware of Luxury
年輕女子 (蘿拉) Young Woman ( Laura )
掃羅的自殺 The Suicide of Saul
利奧波德威廉大公在他的布魯塞爾畫廊 Archduke Leopold William in his Gallery at Brussels
牧民歸來 The Return of the Herd
農民與巢穴強盜 The Peasant and the Nest Robber
陰沉的一天 The Gloomy Day