聖事的戒律 The Sacrament of Ordination ( Christ Presenting the Keys to Saint Peter )
維納斯的崇拜 Worship of Venus ( after Titian )
水神與納西斯的景觀 Landscape with Narcissus and Echo
伏爾肯為愛尼亞士向維納斯展示武力 Vulcan Presenting Arms to Venus for Aeneas
被美洲豹攻擊的馬 Jaguar Attacking a Horse
聖西奧菲勒斯和天使 St Theophilus and the Angel - a Legend of the Martyrdom of St Dorothea
牧羊神和賽姬 Pan and Psyche
金色年華 The Golden Age
塗抹聖油 Extreme Unction
婚禮 Marriage
任命聖職 Ordination
牧羊人的崇拜 The Adoration of the Shepherds
天使報喜 The Annunciation
海邊的黑馬 The black stallion in a landscape by the sea
聖母升天 Assumption of the Virgin
花環裡的瑪利亞 Madonna in a Garland of Flowers
雙馬四輪馬車的跌落 The Fall of Phaeton
聖尤斯圖斯和格來孟的傳奇 A Legend of Saints Justus and Clement of Volterra
聖母子 The Virgin and Child
復活後的基督出現在使徒前 Christ Appearing to His Disciples After the Resurrection
撒旦, 罪惡和死亡 Satan, Sin and Death (A Scene from Milton ’s `Paradise Lost`)
薩夏里亞和天使 Zacharias and the Angel
朱蒂絲返回伯特利婭 The return of Judith to Bethulia
聖吉諾比烏斯的三個奇蹟 Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius
朱蒂絲與赫勒福爾納斯的頭 Judith with the Head of Holofernes
維納斯梳妝 The Toilet of Venus
在地獄的但丁和維吉爾 head of a little girl
基督將錢幣商驅趕出神殿 Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple
懺悔的抹大拉 The Penitent Magdalene
聖方濟和一位主教,聖施洗約翰和聖道明 Saint Francis and a Bishop Saint, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Dominic
波濤上的維納斯 Venus on the Waves
曙光之神奧羅拉和獵人賽伐勒斯 Aurora and Cephalus
米蘭大主教 Filippo Archinto, Archbishop of Milan
聖母和聖子 Madonna and Child
黛安娜與阿克泰翁 Diana and Actaeon
詹姆斯 P. 特納主教 Monsignor James P. Turner
聖子的崇拜 Adoration of the Christ Child
大尉殺死巨人葛利亞 David Slaying Goliath
安基利卡和麥多羅 Angelica and Medoro
聖母子和小聖施洗約翰和天使們 Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist and Angels
裝扮成黛安娜的朱比特和卡利斯多 Jupiter, in the Guise of Diana, and Callisto
獵物 Still Life with Game
修道者的生活場景 Scenes from the Lives of the Desert Fathers ( Thebaid )
巨獸和利維坦 Behemoth and Leviathan
聖母子和聖約翰 Anbetung des Kindes mit dem Johannesknaben
天使報喜 Verkuendigung an Maria
聖彼得試圖在水面上行走 Saint Peter Attempting to Walk on Water
以利亞和寡婦的兒子 Elijah and the Widow’s Son
有猴群的熱帶森林 Tropical Forest with Monkeys
卸下聖體 Descent from the Cross