麵包和魚的奇蹟 The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes
發現摩西 The Finding of Moses
以馬斯的晚餐 The Supper at Emmaus
聖法蘭西斯的奇蹟 The Miracles of Saint Francis of Paola
牧羊神節慶之前的狂歡酒神節慶 A Bacchanalian Revel before a Term of Pan
麥得斯在帕克托羅斯河的源頭洗澡 Midas washing at River Pactolus
獵人賽伐勒斯和曙光之神奧羅拉 Cephalus and Aurora
堅信禮 Confirmation
參孫和達利拉 Samson and Delilah
基督頭像 Head of Christ
月光下的羊欄 The Sheepfold, Moonlight
約旦河畔的聖施洗約翰 Saint John Baptizing in the River Jordan
使徒彼得和保羅 The apostles Peter and Paul
聖傑羅姆 Saint Jerome
瓦茲河岸 The Banks of the Oise
安那和盲眼的托比特 Anna and the Blind Tobit
伯沙撒的盛宴 Belshazzar ’s Feast
墓前基督和聖瑪利亞 Christ and St Mary Magdalen at the Tomb
異國風光 Exotic Landscape
阿波羅與繆斯的景觀 Landscape with Apollo and the Muses
拈花聖母 Madonna and Child with a Pomegranate
聖傑羅姆 Saint Jerome
聖告圖 The Annunciation
偽裝成黛安娜的朱庇特與美女卡利斯托 Jupiter in the Guise of Diana and the Nymph Callisto
進入諾亞方舟 Noah Entering the Ark
邱比特的擄獲 Cupid a Captive
遭到伏爾甘驚嚇的維納斯和馬爾斯 Mars and Venus surprised by Vulcan
劫持歐羅巴 Abduction of Europa
狩獵後的戴安娜 Diana after the Hunt
沉睡的維納斯 The Sleep Of Venus
陽光昇起 The Rising of the Sun
陽光下沉 The Setting of the Sun
維納斯和邱比特 Venus and Putti
音樂寓言 An allegory of music
有水的地方 The Watering Place
正被砍頭的施洗約翰 The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
基督荷著十字架 Christ Falling on the Way to Calvary
被釘在十字架的基督 The Mond Crucifixion
安西帝聖母 The Ansidei Madonna
亞歷山大的聖凱瑟琳 Saint Catherine of Alexandria
講道中的聖施洗約翰 Saint John the Baptist Preaching
聖母子與施洗者約翰 The Madonna and Child with the Infant Baptist (The Garvagh Madonna)
粉紅色的聖母 The Madonna of the Pinks
到基督受難地的行列 The Procession to Calvary
狂喜中的亞西西方濟各 Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy
前往埃及途中 Rest on the Flight into Egypt
牧歌 Idylle
仁慈:聖巴薩羅繆之日, 1572 Mercy: St Bartholomew ’s Day, 1572
佈道後的視覺 The Vision after the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel)
有黃色基督的自畫像 Self Portrait with ’Yellow Christ`