雲端聖母 Madonna in the Clouds
酒神的誕生 The Birth of Bacchus
麥得斯和酒神 Midas and Bacchus
水神與納西斯 Echo and Narcissus
維納斯對鏡梳妝 The Toilet of Venus (The Rokeby Venus)
賢士朝聖 The Adoration of the Kings
佛利諾的聖母 The Madonna of Foligno
救世主 Christ as Salvator
命運三女神 The Three Fates
寓言 Allegory (Vision of a Knight)
特洛伊城英雄愛尼亞士在德羅斯島 Aeneas in Delos
石階上的聖家族 The Holy Family on Steps
日落時牧羊人和羊群的景色 Sunset Landscape with a Shepherd and his Flock
惡魔 The Brazen Serpent
刻克洛普斯的女兒發現嬰兒艾烈治方爾列斯 The Discovery of the Baby Erichthonius by the Daughters of Cecrops
月神和薩梯 Nymphs and Satyrs
帕里斯的裁判 The Judgment of Paris
帕里斯的裁判 The Judgement of Paris
梅林的誘惑 The Beguiling of Merlin
維納斯的鏡子 The Mirror of Venus
考費杜阿王和乞丐女 King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid
禮讚維納斯 Laus Veneris
水仙 Narcissus
聖施洗約翰坐在曠野 Saint John the Baptist seated in the Wilderness
基督墓前的聖潔女 The Holy Women at Christ ’s Tomb
在花園裡苦惱 The Agony in the Garden
聖母子 The Virgin and Child
聖母、聖嬰、抹大拉瑪利亞與施洗約翰 The Virgin and Child with the Magdalen and Saint John the Baptist
悲傷男人的祝福 The Man of Sorrows Blessing
三幅相關的圖畫 The Donne Triptych
祈禱的年輕男子 A Young Man at Prayer
聖施洗約翰和聖勞倫斯 Saints John the Baptist and Lawrence
聖母及聖子 The Virgin and Child
聖母畫像 The Manchester Madonna
埋葬基督 The Entombment
加戴荊冠 Christ Mocked (The Crowning with Thorns)
聖安東尼的誘惑 The Temptations of Saint Anthony
聖馬可的奇蹟 The Miracle of St. Mark Freeing the Slave
聖約翰的洞悉 The Vision of Saint John
聖法蘭西斯接受聖痕 Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata
瑪莉的教育 The Education of Marie de ’Medici
基督渡海 Christ Asleep during the Tempest
巨人 The Colossus
青春的酒神 The Youth of Bacchus
下雨之後 After the Rain
引誘和墮落的夏娃 The Temptation and Fall of Eve
貓和魚的靜物 Still-Life With Cat and Fish
俄爾甫斯和尤麗迪絲 Orpheus and Euridice
於是海交出其中的死人 And the Sea Gave Up the Dead Which Were in It
希里奧斯和羅得斯 Helios and Rhodes