基督運送十字架 Christ’s journey to Calvary
在餐廳的女士們 The Ladies in the Dining Room
赫克裡斯從翁法勒的床上趕走法翁 Hercules Expelling the Faun from Omphale’s Bed
弓箭手 Design for Poster - Archer
兩個擁抱的女人 Two Women Embracing
羅馬平原上的莊園 Villa in the Roman Campagna
幼年基督分發麵包給朝聖者 The Infant Christ Distributing Bread to the Pilgrims
以馬斯的晚餐 The Supper at Emmaus
修道者的生活場景 Scenes from the Lives of the Desert Fathers ( Thebaid )
三艘漁船 Three fishing boats
盛開的梅樹 Plum trees in blossom ( Blossoming Plum Trees in Vetheuil )
閃電嚇壞了馬 Horse Frightened by Lightning
快樂的酒徒 The Merry Drinker ( The Painter Jan Asselyn )
前往埃及途中 The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
挑水人 The Water Carrier
慶祝締結和平 The Celebration in East Bergholt of the Peace of 1814 Concluded in Paris between France and the Allied Powers
圖維列港入口 Entrance to the Port of Trouville
摔跤運動員 The Wrestlers
黑豬 Black pigs
冬季景觀 Winter Landscape
新橋 The Pont - Neuf
追憶高布隆 Souvenir of Coubron
聖告圖 The Annunciation
懺悔的抹大拉馬利亞 The Penitent Magdalene
年輕的聖詹姆斯 Saint James the Younger
自助餐 The Buffet
聖施洗約翰的講道 The Sermon of Saint John the Baptist
持扇的女人 Woman with a Fan
貝穆德斯夫人肖像 Portrait of Senora Cean Bermudez
聖母子及聖施洗約翰 Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John
彼得本博肖像 Portrait of Pietro Bembo