竇加 Edgar Degas 洗衣女工 Washerwomen
杜菲 Raoul Dufy 哈弗爾的碼頭和海灘 The Pier and the Beach at Le Havre
杜菲 Raoul Dufy 彩旗遊艇 The Empavesado yacht
莫內 Claude Monet 睡蓮 Water-Lilies
竇加 Edgar Degas 霍頓斯.瓦平松小姐畫像 Portrait of Mlle. Hortense Valpincon
竇加 Edgar Degas 浴後擦乾身體的女子 After the bath, woman drying herself
布丹 Eugene Louis Boudin 圖維列海灘的白衣女子 Lady in White on the Beach at Trouville
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