阿爾附近的吊橋 The Langlois Bridge at Arles
乾草車 The haywain
塞納河風光 The Basin at Argenteuil
遮蔽的早晨 Morning, An Overcast Day, Rouen
莫瑞橋 The Bridge at Moret
傑克島的風光 The Seine with the Pont de la Grande Jatte
拾穗 Les Gleanuses Salon (The Gleaners)
佛利貝爾傑酒店 A Bar at the Folies-Bergeres
法式茶園 The French Tea Garden (The Terre-Cuite Tea Set)
船上的午宴 Luncheon of the Boating Party
煎餅磨坊 Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, Montmartre
傑克島的星期天下午 A Sunday on La Grande Jatte
睡蓮池:粉紅色的和諧 Waterlily Pond:Pink Harmony
鳶尾花 Irises
花開滿原野 Field with Flowers near Arles
蒙梭公園 Landscape:The Parc Monceau
彈鋼琴的女人 Marguerite Gachet at the Piano
高草間的上坡道 Path Leading to the High Grass
亞嘉杜的罌粟花田 Poppies at Argenteuil
古堡花園 Garden of Les Mathurins at Pontoise
海邊木板路 The Boardwalk at Trouville
桃花開滿園 Peach Blossom in the Crau
麥田 The Harvest (Wheatfields)
星夜 The Starry Night
麥田裡的絲柏樹 Wheat Field with Cypresses
懸崖散步 The Cliff Walk, Pourville
帆船比賽 Regatta at Sainte-Adresse
亞爾嘉杜之橋 The Bridge at Argenteuil
亞爾嘉杜的帆影 Regatta at Argenteuil
印象.日出 Impression, Soleil levant (Impression Sunrise)
小艇 Scolls
午餐 The Luncheon
花瓶裡的紫色鳶尾花 Irises
鮮花和水果 Still life with Flowers and Fruit
南法的果實 Fruits from the Midi
蘋果和柳橙的靜物 Apples and Oranges
窗簾與水壺 Still life with a Curtain
錫罐和桃子的靜物 Still Life with Tin Pitcher and Peaches
歌劇院的舞蹈教室 Dance Class at the Opera
沐浴後的月神黛安娜 Diana Leaving her Bath
舞蹈教室 The Dancing Class
芭蕾學校 School of Ballet (Ecole de Danse)
晚禱 The Angelus
最後的晚餐 Last Supper
牧羊女與羊群 Shepherdess with her Flock
紅帆船 Pleasure boats at Argenteuil
夜間咖啡館 The Night Cafe in the Place Lamartine in Arles
在阿爾的藝術家臥室 Vincent ’s Bedroom in Arles
在聖馬迪拉莫海邊的漁船 Fishing Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
小薩姆爾 The infant Samuel