埋葬基督 The Entombment(after Titian)
病人復甦 The Raising of Lazarus
離家的老婆 Hagar Leaves the House of Abraham
方濟會修士 Head of a Franciscan Monk
狩獵卡呂冬野豬 The Calydonian Boar Hunt
白金漢公爵的馬術肖像 Equestrian Portrait of the Duke of Buckingham
蘇珊娜和老人 Susanna and the Elders
法王路易士八世 Portrait of Louis XIII, King of France
煉獄裡的靈魂 Saint Teresa of Avila Interceding for Souls in Purgatory
加斯帕爾肖像 portrait of jan gaspar gevartius
墓地的聖女 The Holy Women at the Sepulchre
羅馬人的慈悲 Roman Charity
醉酒的大力士 The Drunken Hercules
基督指示彼得 Christ ’s Charge to Peter
尤利西斯景觀 Ulysses and Nausicaa on the Island of the Phaeacians
奧地利大公阿爾維托 Archduke Alberto de Austria
聖休伯特的願景 Saint Hubert’s Vision
在天堂的亞當和夏娃 Adam and Eve in Paradise
菲洛皮門的察覺 The Recognition of Philopoemen
湯瑪斯荷華 Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of Arundel
柏修斯和安朵美達 Perseo y Andromeda
維納斯對鏡梳妝 The Toilet of Venus
詹姆斯一世超越貪婪而給的賞賜 The Bounty of James I triumphing over Avarice
狩獵獅子 The Lion Hunt
埋葬基督 The Entombment
聖家庭有聖法蘭西斯和安妮和嬰兒時聖施洗約翰 The Holy Family with Saints Francis and Anne and the Infant Saint John the Baptist
獵狼和狐 Wolf and Fox Hunt
持扇的女孩 Girl with fan
從戰場歸來 The Return from War:Mars Disarmed by Venus
氣味 Smell
聖法蘭西斯的奇蹟 The Miracles of Saint Francis of Paola
溫泉處 The Watering Place
魯多維可斯.諾尼爾司 Portrait of Ludovicus Nonnius
參孫和達利拉 Samson and Delilah
維納斯的崇拜 Worship of Venus ( after Titian )
聖母升天 Assumption of the Virgin
花環裡的瑪利亞 Madonna in a Garland of Flowers
羅馬軍團 Decius Mus Addressing the Legions
雙馬四輪馬車的跌落 The Fall of Phaeton
尤斯圖斯.利普修斯肖像 Portrait of Justus Lipsius
農民舞蹈 Peasant Dance
大尉殺死巨人葛利亞 David Slaying Goliath
卸下聖體 Descent from the Cross
劫奪留奇波斯的女兒 Rape of the Daughter of Leucippus
英格蘭和蘇格蘭聯合 The Union of England and Scotland (Charles I as the Prince of Wales)
伊莎貝拉布蘭特 Isabella Brant
戰神和雷亞.西爾維亞 Mars and Rhea Silvia
照鏡的維納斯 Venus at a Mirror
卡斯帕.奇歐皮厄斯肖像 Portrait of Kaspar Scioppius
聖法蘭西斯的奇跡 The miracles of St. Francis Xavier
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