聖喬治大戰惡龍 St. George Fighting the Dragon
法蘭西斯科肖像 Portrait of Francesco delle Opere
托馬索肖像 Portrait of Count Tommaso Inghirami
蒙特費爾特羅肖像 Portrait of Guidubaldo da Montefeltro
奧斯蒂亞的爭鬥 Battle of Ostia
聖賽巴斯帝安 Saint Sebastian
婚禮宴席和眾神會議 The bridal banquet and The Council of Gods
年輕女子肖像 La Muta
拉斐爾客房的天花板(賽納圖拉簽字廳) Ceiling of the Stanza della Segnatura
聖母子(瑪利亞與兒童,施洗約翰和一個聖男孩) Madonna Terrranuova(Mary with the Child, John the Baptist and a Holy Boy)
自畫像 Self Portrait
聖母加冕 The crowning of the Virgin ( also known as the Oddi Altar - piece )
聖容顯現 Transfiguration
伊麗莎白岡薩加肖像 Portrait of Elisabetta Gonzaga
馬達萊娜多尼肖像 Portrait of Maddalena Doni
帶金翅雀的聖母 Madonna of the Goldfinch
玫瑰聖母 Madonna of the Rose
波爾哥的火災 Fire in the Borgo
聖家庭 The Canigiani Madonna
赫利奧多羅斯室天花板 Ceiling of the Stanza di Eliodoro
聖母子及聖施洗約翰 Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John
彼得本博肖像 Portrait of Pietro Bembo
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