唐.茹斯蒂諾.德.韋迪肖像 Portrait of Don Justino de Neve
報喜 The Annunciation
在曠野的聖施洗約翰 Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness
無玷成胎 The Esquilache Immaculate Conception
無玷成胎 Walpole Immaculate Conception
紳士畫像 Portrait Of A Gentleman, Presumably A Member Of The Ostigliani Family
浪子回頭 The Return of the Prodigal Son
戴著念珠的聖母 The Madonna of the Rosary
榮耀的聖母子 Virgin and Child in Glory
玫瑰聖母 Virgen del rosario
天使報喜 The Annunciation
釘死於十字架 The Crucifixion
唐安德拉德 Don Andres de Andrade y la Cal
前往埃及途中 The Flight into Egypt
聖母子 Virgin and Child
階梯上四人 Four Figures on a Step
基督的洗禮 The Baptism of Christ
三個男孩 Three Boys
聖家庭 The Holy Family with a Little Bird
嬰孩施洗約翰與羔羊 The Infant Saint John with the Lamb
自畫像 Self Portrait
飲酒的年輕人 A Young Man Drinking
一個農家少年倚在窗台上 A Peasant Boy leaning on a Sill
聖母授予聖埃迪方索 The Virgin Descending to Award Saint Ildefonso
花童 The Flower Girl
麗培嘉和以撒 Rebecca and Eliezer
兩個農民男孩 Two Peasant Boys
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