往昔 Before
往後 After
理查三世 David Garrick as Richard III
格雷厄姆的孩子 The Graham Children
大衛.加里克和他的妻子伊娃.瑪麗亞 David Garrick with his wife Eva-Maria Veigel
考伯夫婦及女兒 Ashley Cowper with his Wife and Daughter
撒旦, 罪惡和死亡 Satan, Sin and Death (A Scene from Milton ’s `Paradise Lost`)
自畫像 Self Portrait
一個男人的肖像 Portrait of a Man
伍德小姐 Miss Wood
陽臺上的愛德華漢米爾頓家庭 The Edwards Hamilton Family on a Terrace
女孩頭部的研習 Study of a Girl’s Head
班傑明肖像 Dr Benjamin Hoadly, MD
安.霍加斯 Ann Hogarth
與約翰.赫維的群像 Ritratto di gruppo con Lord John Hervey
女士最後的賭注 The Lady’s Last Stake
釣漁派對 A Fishing Party
瑪麗.霍加斯 Mary Hogarth
卡萊門戶 O the Roast Beef of Old England ( ’The Gate of Calais`)
約翰.帕爾默律師 John Palmer, Barrister of the Inner Temple
約翰和伊麗莎白.杰弗里斯及其子女 John and Elizabeth Jeffreys and Their Children
一個家庭的畫像 Portrait of a Family
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