法蘭索瓦.朗洛伊斯 Portrait of Francois Langlois
喬治和倆隨從 Portrait of George Gage with Two Attendants
卡丹尼奧畫像 Portrait of Giovanni Battista Cattaneo
喬治.迪格比伯爵 George Digby, 2nd Earl of Bristol
自畫像 Portrait of the Artist
戴克夫人 Lady Dacre
湯瑪斯.渥頓爵士 Portrait of Sir Thomas Wharton
查理三面像 Charles I, King of England, from Three Angles
騎馬的查理一世 Equestrian Portrait of Charles I
查理一世狩獵 Charles I at the Hunt
法蘭西席得斯 Frans Snyders
席得斯夫人 Margareta Snyders
受祝福的約瑟 The Vision of the Blessed Hermann Joseph
波拉阿多諾肖像 Paolina Adorno Brignole
瑪麗路易絲肖像 Portrat der Marie-Louise de Tassis
喬格彼德肖像 Georg Petel
亨利伯爵 Portrait of Henry Danvers, Earl of Danby
音樂家安瑞科.利貝蒂 The Musician Enric Liberti
參孫和達利拉 Samson and Delilah
哀悼基督 Deposition
聖塞巴斯蒂安的殉道 Martirio di San Sebastiano
佛蘭芒夫人肖像 Portrait of a Flemish Lady
畫家馬爾騰.皮平像 Portrait of the Artist Marten Pepijn
持扇的夫人 Lady with a Fan
查理斯路易士王子 Prince Charles Louis, Count Palatine
魯伯王子 Prince Rupert, Count Palatine
查爾斯一世的孩子 Five Eldest Children of Charles I
背叛基督 The Betrayal of Christ
威廉.羅素公爵肖像 Portrait of William Russell, 5th Earl and later 1st Duke of Bedford
司卡葛利爾 The Abbe Scaglia
司卡葛利爾崇拜聖母子 The Abbe Scaglia adoring the Virgin and Child
進貢金錢 The Tribute Money
皇帝被禁止進入米蘭大教堂 The Emperor Theodosius is forbidden by Saint Ambrose to enter Milan Cathedral
登比第一位伯爵威廉費爾汀 William Fielding, 1st Earl of Denbigh
薩沃伊王子 Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Prince of Oneglia
蘇珊娜和她的女兒 Susanna Fourment and Her Daughter
臨終前的威尼斯迪格夫人 Venetia, Lady Digby, on her Deathbed
查理斯一世 Charles I
亨利二世 Henri II de Lorraine
奧爾良公爵 Portrait of Gaston of France, duke of Orleans
詹姆斯伯爵及夫人和小孩 James, Seventh Earl of Derby, His Lady and Child
彭布羅克伯爵 Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of Pembroke
狂喜中的亞西西方濟各 Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy
托馬斯和威廉勳爵 Thomas Killigrew and William, Lord Crofts
前往埃及途中 Rest on the Flight into Egypt
愛麗納‧格麗瑪迪侯爵夫人 Marchesa Elena Grimaldi
尼古拉斯‧拉尼爾像 Portrait of Nicholas Lanier
查理一世 Charles I
使徒西蒙 The Apostle Simon
湯碼思霍華 Thomas Howard, Second Earl of Arundel
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