陸森湖 Lake of Lucerne, from the landing place at Fluelen, looking towards Bauen and Tell’s Chapel, Switzerland
格宋的山崩 The Fall of an Avalanche in the Grisons
大海的打漁郎 Fishermen at Sea
海難 The Shipwreck
上下兩院的大火 The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons
泰晤士河口的航運 Shipping at the Mouth of the Thames
和平 - 海上葬禮 Peace - Burial at Sea
暴風雨中的輪船 A Paddle-steamer in a Storm
雨、蒸汽和速度 Rain, Steam and Speed
愛尼亞士和女預言家 Lake Avernus:Aeneas and the Cumaean Sybil
巴納德城堡 Barnard Castle
暴風雪:漢尼拔率領大軍跨越阿爾卑斯山 Snow Storm:Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps
日出 Norham Castle, Sunrise
加萊碼頭 Calais Pier
特羅姆普,英雄氣慨 Van Tromp, Going About to Please His Masters
光與色 - 洪水滅世後的清晨 Light and Colour - The Morning after the Deluge
威尼斯的太陽入海起航 The Sun of Venice Going to Sea
湖邊城堡的研習 Study Of A Castle By A Lake
奴隸船 Slave Ship (Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On)
1805 年 10 月 21 日特拉法爾加戰役 The Battle of Trafalgar, 21 October 1805
北威爾士康威城堡 Conway Castle, North Wales
接近海岸的快艇 Yacht Approaching the Coast
遇難的漁船 A Wreck, with Fishing Boats
紅色的瑞吉山 Rigi The Red Rigi
日內瓦湖和勃朗峰 Lake Geneva and Mount Blanc
暴風雨 The Storm
河流與海灣的景觀 Landscape with River and a Bay in the Far Background
補鯨船 The Whale Ship
湯姆森的風弦琴 Thomson’s Aeolian Harp
多特或多特勒克:從鹿特丹駛出的多特定期船 Dort or Dordrecht:The Dort Packet - Boat from Rotterdam Becalmed
警告汽輪淺灘的訊號 Rockets and Blue Lights (Close at Hand) to Warn Steamboats of Shoal Water
楚格湖 The Lake of Zug
康瓦耳的海灘和客棧 The Ferry Beach and Inn at Saltash, Cornwall
月光下的煤港 Keelmen Heaving in Coals by Moonlight
鹿特丹渡輪 Rotterdam Ferry-Boat
威尼斯:海關和聖喬治教堂 Venice: The Dogana and San Giorgio Maggiore
赫斯廷斯海灘魚市 The Fish Market at Hastings Beach
朱比特神廟的修復 The Temple of Jupiter Panellenius Restored
薩塞克斯 Brighthelmston, Sussex
諾森伯蘭海岸 Wreckers - Coast Of Northumberland, With A Steam-Boat Assisting A Ship Off Shore
方特希爾修道院 Perspective View Of Fonthill Abbey From The South-West
現代義大利-皮費拉里 Modern Italy – The Pifferari
摩特雷克平台 Mortlake Terrace
科倫:晚間定期船到達 Cologne: The Arrival of a Packet-Boat: Evening
迪耶普海港 The Harbor of Dieppe
摩特雷克平台:提前的夏日早晨 Mortlake Terrace: Early Summer Morning
阿尼克城堡 Alnwick Castle
阿文丁山下的羅馬 Rome, From Mount Aventine
冰川和阿沃河的源頭 Glacier and Source of the Arveron
洪水的夜晚 The Evening of the Deluge
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