威尼斯莫洛皮亞澤塔景觀 Venice, A View Of The Piazzetta Looking North
威斯敏斯特橋,泰晤士河上的遊行 Westminster Bridge, with the Lord Mayor’s Procession on the Thames
威尼斯聖馬可廣場 The Piazza San Marco in Venice
聖馬可廣場 Piazza san marco looking south and west
威尼斯:大運河的上游 Venice:S. Simeone Piccolo
幻想畫:在聖喬治教堂和里亞托橋 Capriccio:With San Giorgio Maggiore and the Rialto Bridge
幻想畫:有柱子的河流景觀 Capriccio:River Landscape with a Column
威尼斯:聖彼得堡 Venice:S. Pietro in Castello
聖喬凡尼與保羅,以及聖馬可學校 Santi Giovanni e Paolo and the Scuola di San Marco
威尼斯大運河 The Grand Canal from Palazzo Flangini to Campo San Marcuola
威尼斯:大運河的上游 Venice:The Upper Reaches of the Grand Canal with S. Simeone Piccolo
威尼斯:莫洛皮亞澤塔 Venice:The Piazzetta from the Molo
大運河 Grand Canal
伊頓公學 Eton College
大運河的入口 The Entrance to the Canal Grande at the Punta della Dogana and the Santa Maria della Salute
威斯敏斯特大教堂內景 Interior View of the Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey
威尼斯,聖馬可盆地耶穌升天節 The Basin of San Marco on Ascension Day
大運河,一個帆船賽 Canal Grande, A regatta
威尼斯的卡納勒究入口 Entrance to the Cannaregio
威尼斯總督府和運河 The Doge ’s Palace and the riva degli schiavoni
威尼斯景觀 San Cristoforo, San Michele and Murano from the Fondamenta Nuove, Venice
威尼斯的聖馬可 Bacino di San Marco, Venice
君士坦丁凱旋門與羅馬鬥獸場 View of the Arch of Constantine with the Colosseum
龍形黃金船在莫洛的耶穌升天節 The Bucintoro at the Molo on Ascension Day
瓦立克城堡 Warwick Castle
威尼斯聖馬可廣場 The Piazza San Marco, Venice
威尼斯大運河的入口 The Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice
聖馬可皮亞澤塔 Bacino di S. Marco:From the Piazzetta
倫敦拉尼拉中央大廳內部 London - Interior of the Rotunda at Ranelagh
幻想畫:小廣場上的聖馬可駿馬群像 Capriccio:The Horses of San Marco in the Piazzetta
朝東南的聖馬可廣場 Piazza San Marco:Looking South East
威尼斯:假日的聖羅赫 Venice:The Feast Day of Saint Roch
東望威尼斯聖馬可大教堂 Venice, The Piazza San Marco Looking East Towards The Basilica
威尼斯的聖馬可 The Molo, Venice, from the Bacino di San Marco
大運河 The Grand Canal
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