聖母加冕 The Coronation of the Virgin
梅杜薩 Head of Medusa
維納斯的盛宴 The Feast of Venus
騎馬的萊爾馬公爵肖像 Equestrian Portrait of the Duke of Lerma
聖家庭與聖徒 The Holy Family with Saints in a Landscape
戰爭的恐怖 The Horrors of War
墨勒格爾和愛特蘭塔 Meleager and Atalante
三王朝拜 The Adoration of the Magi
阿爾伯特七世肖像,奧地利大公 Portrait of Albert VII, Archduke of Austria
托馬斯.霍華德,阿倫德爾21世伯爵肖像 Portrait of Thomas Howard, 21st Earl of Arundel
在巴黎凱旋門的亨利四世 Ingresso trionfale di Enrico IV a Parigi
聖母子和伊莉莎白和施洗約翰 The Virgin and Child with Sts. Elizabeth and John the Baptist
該隱殺害亞伯 Cain slaying Abel
阿多尼斯之死 The Death of Adonis
所羅門的判決 Salomons dom
擁抱 Peace Embracing Plenty
12 使徒:聖西蒙 The 12 apostles:St. Simon
白金漢公爵的神化 The Apotheosis of the Duke of Buckingham
優美三女神 The Three Graces
劫奪希波達墨婭 The Rape of Hippodamia
酒神祭 The Andrians ( After Titian )
羅穆盧斯和瑞摩斯 Romulus and Remus
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