農民舞蹈 Peasant Dance
大尉殺死巨人葛利亞 David Slaying Goliath
卸下聖體 Descent from the Cross
劫奪留奇波斯的女兒 Rape of the Daughter of Leucippus
英格蘭和蘇格蘭聯合 The Union of England and Scotland (Charles I as the Prince of Wales)
伊莎貝拉布蘭特 Isabella Brant
戰神和雷亞.西爾維亞 Mars and Rhea Silvia
照鏡的維納斯 Venus at a Mirror
卡斯帕.奇歐皮厄斯肖像 Portrait of Kaspar Scioppius
聖法蘭西斯的奇跡 The miracles of St. Francis Xavier
修道院長肖像 Matthaeus Yrsselius, Abbot of Sint-Michiel’s Abbey in Antwerp
林中精靈 Ninfas y sátiros
伊莎貝拉勃蘭特肖像 Portrait of Isabella Brandt
亞當與夏娃 Adam and Eve
酒神 Bacchanal at Andros(after a painting by Titian)
男子畫像 Portrait of a Ma
魯本斯與他的兒子阿爾伯特 Portrait of Peter Paul Rubens with his son Albert
伊莎貝拉肖像 Portrait of the Infanta Isabella
凱旋的白金漢公爵 Triumph of the Duke of Buckingham
維納斯和阿多尼斯 Venus and Adonis
貴婦人畫像 Portrait of a Lady
銀河系的誕生 The Birth of the Milky Way
聖彼得 Saint Peter as Pope
刻克洛普斯的女兒發現嬰兒艾烈治方爾列斯 The Discovery of Erichthonios by the Daughters of Cecrops
克拉拉.瑟琳娜.魯本斯肖像 Portrait of Clara Serena Rubens
月神和薩梯 Diana and her Nymphs Surprised by Satyrs
命運,為托爾德拉帕拉達而畫 Fortune, Painted for the Torre De La Parada
維納斯和阿多尼斯 Venus and Adonis
艾克羅盛宴 The Feast of Achelo
聖埃迪方索的三聯畫 The Triptych of St. Ildefonso
愛特蘭塔和默勒阿格洛斯 Atalanta and Meleager
藝術家夫妻及其孩子 Rubens, His Wife Helena Fourment, and Their Son Peter Paul
亞伯拉罕和麥基洗德的會面 The Meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek
維羅尼卡.斯皮諾拉肖像 Portrait of the Marchesa Veronica Spinola-Doria
穀神與兩個仙女 Ceres with two Nymphs
蜜涅芙的刺殺 Minerva slaying Discord
兩頭像之研習 Study of Two Heads
自畫像 Self portrait
擠牛奶的婦女 Milkmaids with cattle in a landscape
自畫像 Self portrait
克羅諾斯吞噬其子 Saturn, Jupiter ’s father, devours one of his sons, Poseidon
侯爵肖像 Portrait of Ambrogio Spinola
聽覺 The Hearing
味覺 The tasting
視覺 The viewing
阿基里斯的發現 Achilles discovered by Ulysses among the daughters of Lycomedes
穿禮服的瑪丘莎 Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doria
柏修斯和安朵美達 Perseus and Andromeda
大衛和艾比嘉的會面 The Meeting of David and Abigail
提比留和亞基比娜 Tiberius and Agrippina
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