繪圖課 The Drawing Lesson
聖尼古拉斯的盛宴 The feast of St. Nicholas
自畫像 Self Portrait
快樂的家庭 The Merry Family
露台上的音樂會 Two Men and a Young Woman making Music on a Terrace
縱欲的影響 The Effects of Intemperance
代爾夫特市長和他的女兒 The Burgomaster of Delft and his Daughter
醫生的出診 The Doctor’s Visit
森林之神和農民家庭 The Satyr and the Peasant Family
窗口的爭論 Rhetoricians at a Window
鄉村婚禮 Village Wedding
來得容易去得快 Easy come, easy go
跳舞的情侶 The Dancing Couple
為情所困 The Lovesick Maiden
托拜西和莎拉的聯姻 Het huwelijk van Tobias en Sarah
彈琴的年輕女子與男子 A Young Woman playing a Harpsichord to a Young Man
分享牡蠣 An Interior with a Man offering an Oyster to a Woman
謹防奢華 Beware of Luxury
放蕩的家庭 The Dissolute Household
歡樂的露台 Merry Company on a Terrace
孩童教貓跳舞,舞蹈課 Children teaching a Cat to dance, known as ’The Dancing Lesson ’
鄉村婚禮 The Village Wedding
斯蒂恩家族 Gerrit Schouten Fantasy Interior with Jan Steen and the Family of Gerrit Schouten
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