演唱會歌手 The Concert Singer
玩耍嬰童 Baby at Play
五月早晨的公園情景 A May Morning in the Park (The Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand)
埃金斯夫人和獵犬 The Artist ’s Wife and his Setter Dog
愛蜜米亞范布倫姑娘 Miss Amelia Van Buren
單艇冠軍 The Champion Single Sculls (Max Schmitt in a Single Scull)
競賽 The Biglen Brothers Racing
游泳 Swimming
道格拉斯.摩根肖像 Portrait of Douglass Morgan Hall
鋼琴家史坦利.阿迪克斯 The Pianist (Stanley Addicks)
唱一首悲傷的歌 Singing a Pathetic Song
國際象棋選手 The Chess Players
打獵 Pushing for Rail
求愛 The Courtship
阿卡迪亞 Arcadia
受難 Crucifixion
戈麥斯夫人 Signora Gomez d’Arza
軌道之後的航行 Starting Out After Rail
格洛斯特的草地 The Meadows Gloucester
詹姆斯 P. 特納主教 Monsignor James P. Turner
伊莉莎白 L. 波頓 Portrait of Elizabeth L. Burton
大主教迪奧梅德.法爾科尼奧 Archbishop Diomede Falconio
致敬 Salutat
臨床教學 The Gross Clinic
一朵玫瑰 A Rose
思考者 The Thinker:Portrait of Louis N. Kenton
作家 The Writing Master
唱歌的牛仔 Cowboy Singing
划船之兄弟 The Biglin Brothers Turning the Stake
威廉.拉什的雕刻 William Rush Carving His Allegorical Figure of the Schuylkill River
約翰肖像 Portrait of John B. Gest
阿格紐臨床課 The Agnew Clinic
女演員 An Actress
摔跤 Wrestlers
威廉.拉什的雕刻 William Rush Carving His Allegorical Figure of the Schuylkill River
女子肖像 Letitia Wilson Jordan
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