加齊亞.德.美第奇肖像 Garzia de’Medici
比亞.德.美第奇肖像 Portrait of Bia de’Medici
年輕女子和她的小男孩 A Young Woman and Her Little Boy
穿越紅海 The crossing of the Red Sea
聖施洗約翰 St. John the Baptist
耶穌遇上瑪麗亞 Noli Me Tangere
羅多維科肖像 Lodovico Capponi
穿盔甲的科西莫一世 Cosimo I de’Medici in armour
聖家庭 The Holy Family
報喜 Virgin of the Annunciation
哀悼基督 The Deposition of Christ
聖家庭與聖施洗約翰 The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist ( Madonna Stroganoff )
聖家庭與聖施洗約翰 Holy Family with St. Anne and the Infant St. John
勞拉.巴蒂費里肖像 Portrait of Laura Battiferri
奧費斯肖像 Portrait of Cosimo I de’ Medici as Orpheus
聖家庭與聖施洗約翰 Sacra Famiglia con San Giovanni Battista Bambino
托雷多的愛蓮諾拉教堂天花板 Ceiling of the Chapel of Eleonora of Toledo
維納斯和丘比特的寓言 An Allegory with Venus and Cupid
托斯卡納大公肖像 Portrait of cosimo i de medici grand duke of tuscany
年輕男子肖像 Portrait of a young man
聖母和兒童與聖徒 The madonna and child with saints
皮耶羅.梅迪奇肖像 Portrait of piero de medici the gouty
伊蓮諾拉,佛羅倫斯公爵夫人 Eleanor of Toledo, Duchess of Florence
聖塞巴斯蒂安 Saint Sebastian
年輕男子畫像 Portrait of a Young Man
埃利諾及其兒子的肖像 Eleonora of Toledo with her son
潘賈提基的肖像 Portrait of Lucrezia Panciatichi
伊蓮諾拉的肖像 Portrait of Eleanora di Toledo
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