安東尼相遇克莉奧佩特拉 The Meeting of Antony and Cleopatra
奧古斯都時期的收藏家 The Collector Of Pictures At The Time Of Augustus
無知的對手 Unconscious Rivals
在我的工作室 In My Studio
最佳位置 A Coign of Vantage
枉然之戀 Vain Courtship
是誰呢 Who is it?
春節 A Spring Festival (On the Road to the Temple of Ceres)
吻 A Kiss
雄辯的沉默 An eloquent silence
悵然遠望 Her Eyes are with Her Thoughts and They are Far Away
羽毛球拍和羽毛球 Battledore and Shuttlecock
沉默的招呼 A Silent Greeting
最愛的習俗 A Favourite Custom
希臘婦女 A Greek Women
莎福和阿喀修斯 Sappho and Alcaeus (Opus CCXXIII)
克勞狄皇帝加冕 Proclaiming Claudius Emperor, opus XLVIII
龐培場景 Escena pompeyana
女人和鮮花 Woman and Flowers (Opus LIX)
春天 Spring
阿姆菲斯的女人們 The Women of Amphissa
葡萄酒節 The vintage festival
酒神祭 A dedication to Bacchus
不要問我 Ask Me No More
發現摩西 The Finding of Moses
講學的荷馬 A Reading from Homer
克洛維斯的子女教育 The Education of the Children of Clovis
溫水浴室 In the Tepidarium
黑利阿迦八魯斯的玫瑰 The Roses of Heliogabalus
銀色最愛 Silver Favorites
粗心的傾訴 Unwelcome Confidences
祝福一路平安 God Speed
相聚在藍色的愛奧尼亞天氣下 Under the Roof of Blue Ionian Weather
夾竹桃 An Oleander
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