聖母升天圖 Assumption of the Virgin
耶穌遇上瑪麗亞 Noli me Tangere
戴納漪 Danae
聖母和聖傑諾米 Madonna with St. Jerome
朱比特與伊歐 Jupiter and Io
聖誕夜 The Holy Night
聖母子與施洗約翰 Madonna mit Johannes dem Täufer
維納斯,薩梯和邱比特 Venus, Satyr and Cupid
麗達與天鵝 Leda and the Swan
戴荊冠的耶穌 Christ presented to the People (Ecce Homo)
基督向母親告別 Christ taking Leave of his Mother
一位女士的畫像 Portrait of a Lady
有籃子的聖母 The Madonna of the Basket
愛的教育 Venus with Mercury and Cupid (The School of Love)
基督頭像 Head of Christ
殉難的四聖徒 Martyrdom of Four Saints
聖彼得,瑪莎,悔改的瑪麗和倫納德 Saints Peter, Martha, Mary Magdalen, and Leonard
聖母子 Madonna and Child
維納斯與邱比特 Venus and Cupid the Baptist
救世主 Salvator Mundi
聖母、聖子和聖施洗約翰 Madonna and Child with infant St John the Baptist
蓋尼米得被劫持 The Abduction of Ganymede
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